Healthy Mother, Healthy Baby
For nine months, a woman carries her child in her womb. She nurtures the baby, hears the heartbeat and feels the movement. Nothing can beat that bond of having a human being growing inside of you. The love and connection between a mother and child are truly unbreakable.Mother’s health can significantly influence the health of a newborn baby. Maternal health, including factors like nutrition, access to prenatal care, lifestyle habits, and genetics, can indeed impact the baby’s health during pregnancy and after birth.A healthy mother is more likely to have a healthier pregnancy, reducing the risk of complications that could affect the baby’s development. Additionally, if the mother follows recommended prenatal care guidelines, it can contribute to the baby’s well-being.When mothers are unhealthy, malnourished, sickly, or receive inadequate prenatal and delivery care, their babies face a higher risk of disease and premature issues.

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Finaly, If Mother is Healthy THEN Child will be Healthy
A child’s health directly relates & affected by
Mother’s Physical, Mental and Emotional Health.
If you are a husband & your wife is Pregnant
You are a Wife & Pregnant
- How to maintain safe & healthy pregnancy
- What to eat & what not to eat
- Nutrition
- Exercises
- What to avoid
- Hydration if pregnancy
- Necessity of Rest in pregnancy
- & all other necessary things.
our great staff
Meet Your Babysitter
quick,easy & problem-free
Baby Shower Party
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